Are Commonwealth Bank Shares good for First-Time Investors in 2024

Uncover Commonwealth Bank shares' appeal for first-time investors, their performance, dividends, and trading platforms, guiding you through the stock market journey.

Disclosure: This article is not intended to be financial advice and information should be taken as educational only. Read the disclaimer.

If you're a first-time investor considering entering the stock market, you might have come across Commonwealth Bank shares (CBA) as a popular investment option.

In this article, we'll discuss the CBA share price, its history, and why it's a popular choice for ETFs due to its track record and dividend history. I'll also cover some benefits of considering Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) as an alternative to investing in CBA individually and provide insights into investing with their platforms CommSec and CommSec Pocket.

Commonwealth Bank shares are a popular investment option, particularly for first-time investors, due to their impressive track record, consistent growth, and solid dividend history. The bank typically pays dividends twice a year, making it an attractive choice for income-seeking investors. In addition to investing in individual stocks, CBA shares are often included in ETFs, providing an alternative investment option.

A Closer Look at Commonwealth Bank Shares

CBA Share Price and History

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (ASX: CBA) is one of the largest banks in the country, with a significant market share. Its share price has experienced fluctuations over the years, with its highest recorded price showcasing its solid performance. To stay updated on CBA's latest share price, you can refer to CommBank's website, the site I use to track ASX shares.

CBA has a history of consistent dividend payments, making it an attractive option for income-seeking investors. The bank's track record of stability and growth has contributed to its inclusion in many ETFs, allowing investors to gain exposure to the banking sector while benefiting from the diversification offered by ETFs.

Why Commonwealth Bank Shares are a Popular Option

CBA shares are a popular choice for several reasons:

  1. Track Record: CBA has a solid track record of growth and stability, making it a reliable investment for those looking to invest in the financial sector.
  2. Dividend History: CBA has a consistent history of paying dividends, providing investors with a source of passive income in addition to potential capital gains.
  3. Market Share: As one of Australia's largest banks, CBA holds a significant market share, making it a major player in the sector and an essential component of any ETF focusing on the Australian financial industry.

How much were CBA shares when floated?

When the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) shares were initially floated, they were priced at AUD 5.40 per share. This was back in 1991 when the Australian government decided to privatize the bank in a three-stage process. The first stage involved offering 30% of the bank's shares to the public.

Over the years, CBA shares have experienced significant growth, demonstrating the bank's strong performance in the Australian financial sector.

As a first-time investor, it's important to understand that past performance does not guarantee future results, but the historical performance of CBA shares can provide insights into its potential as an investment option.

What is the highest CBA share price has ever been?

The highest CBA share price ever recorded was in early 2023 when it reached AUD 111.15. This peak in CBA's share price can be attributed to various factors, including the bank's consistent growth, strong financial performance, and stable dividend payments.

Although the share price has experienced fluctuations since then, CBA remains a prominent player in the Australian financial sector. It's crucial for investors to keep in mind that share prices can be influenced by numerous factors, such as market conditions, economic news, and company performance, and it's essential to conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions.

How many times a year does CBA pay dividends?

Commonwealth Bank shares typically pay dividends to its shareholders twice a year. These payments are known as the interim dividend and the final dividend. This biannual payment schedule is a common practice among many Australian companies, including the other major banks in the country.

The interim dividend is usually announced in February and paid out in March, while the final dividend is announced in August and paid out in September. The exact dates of the dividend announcements and payments may vary from year to year.

Investing with CommSec and CommSec Pocket

Out of all the big banks in Australia find they are the most compelling to invest in. I have never personally invested in their stock individually but have been an investor of funds and ETFs where they make up a large weighting of the proportion of that product. (which I appreciate).


CommSec is a popular online share trading platform in Australia, offering a range of services for investors, including trading in shares, ETFs, and other investment products. CommSec allows investors to buy and sell CBA shares, as well as other stocks listed on the ASX.

Personally, I use Stake to invest in the ASX due to the lower brokerage costs and simpler interface.

CommSec Pocket

For those looking for a more simplified and accessible approach to investing, CommSec also offers the CommSec Pocket app. This app allows investors to invest in a range of ETFs, including those that track the performance of the ASX 200, which includes CBA shares. CommSec Pocket offers a user-friendly interface and low brokerage fees, making it an attractive option for first-time investors who want to start small and gain exposure to the stock market.

Even though CommSec Pocket focuses exclusively on ETF investing, I am a big fan of the tool and you can read a detailed review of CommSec Pocket here.

Considering ETFs as an alternative to Commonwealth Bank Shares for new investors

If you're concerned about the risks associated with investing in individual stocks, such as CBA shares, you may want to consider ETFs as an alternative. ETFs are a type of investment fund that tracks the performance of a specific index, sector, or commodity, providing a diversified portfolio that can help minimize risk and offer more stability.

For example, investing in an ETF that tracks the ASX 200, like the ones mentioned in this article, means you're investing in a basket of 200 stocks, including CBA shares. This diversification helps spread the risk, making it a more suitable option for first-time investors who are risk-averse.

To learn more about the different types of ETFs available in Australia, check out this comprehensive guide.

Are CommonWealth Bank Shares the right choice for you?

As a first-time investor, considering Commonwealth Bank shares as part of your investment portfolio can be a good option due to their strong performance, dividend history, and popularity in ETFs. However, it's essential to carefully research and understand the risks involved in investing in individual stocks. If you prefer a more diversified and less risky approach, investing in ETFs can be a suitable alternative. Remember to explore different platforms, like CommSec and CommSec Pocket, to find the best fit for your investment goals and strategy.

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Tim Ellis, creator of, helps people confidently invest and manage their money. Inspired by his own experiences, Tim is passionate about creating a financially secure future for his family and sharing his personal finance knowledge with others.

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